
100 Capsules
Stock Number 600


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  • Supports liver and gallbladder function
  • Supports detoxification.

The safflower is an annual plant with spiky yellow, red or orange flowers. It resembles a thistle and the leaves have sharp spines on them. This plant is found in the United States, Europe and Asia. Safflowers are used in herbal medicine to promote liver and gallbladder health. They also work to detoxify the body and give support to the intestines. Some herbalists may also use safflowers for digestive disorders, high levels of cholesterol, arthritis and even colds and flu.

Safflowers are commonly used for culinary purposes, especially for making cooking oil. The oil contains polyunsaturates which in turn help make prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are like hormones because they work to regulate the body’s molecules. Many people interested in reaping the benefits of safflowers prefer taking capsules rather than ingesting oil. Each Nature’s Sunshine safflower capsule contains 420 mg safflowers.
