- Contains hydrastine and berberine alkaloids.
- Supports the immune system
- Provides a friendly probiotic environment.
Golden seal is native to North America and is often used for immune system support. Golden seal is a member of the buttercup family and is characterized by its delicate flowers and thick rootstock. Due to the overharvesting of this herb, it is sometimes temporarily in limited supply. This is why the price of this herb is higher than comparable herbs. Golden seal contains canadine, berberine and hydrastine alkaloids which work to boost the body’s immunity and encourage healthy mucuous membranes.
Nature’s Sunshine golden seal is known as a multipurpose herb. Not only does it support the immune system and mucous membranes, it also helps encourage proper health and function of the urinary, digestive and respiratory systems. Some people use golden seal as a cleanser for the body. It works as a tonic to help the liver and kidneys flush impurities from the body. Each Natures Sunshine golden seal capsule contains 500 mg golden seal root. These capsules contain pure golden seal which have not been adulterated with other herbs.